any form of use which endangers the operation or reliability of the system. dissemination of pornographic, violent or discriminatory content. unauthorised use of networks, systems, services, programmes or data belonging to third parties altering or attempting to alter such networks, systems etc. using your account for academic work, research, teaching and administration. Please observe the following guidelines when using your account: Tip4U information sheets - step by step instructionsĪpart from that, ZEDAT's Info-Service IT will be glad to help you.įurther Hints Concerning Your FU-Account and ZEDAT Services. If you should encounter problems organising your studies, please contact Info-Service Studium offered by student administration services.įor all services provided by ZEDAT you will find helpful information on the following pages: * Studentendorf Schlachtensee und Adlershof.pdf You can find additional university information at: The Library System of Freie Universität Berlin and its Services. E-Learning Services for Students and Much More. Please note the following information offered by the student adminsitration services, the Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS) and the university library: EINS UND EINS WEBMAILER CODE
The QR code needed for picking up your Campuscard can be found in the ZEDAT portal:įurther instructions concerning the Campuscard can be found here: The Campuscard combines our student ID with the dining hall card, the VBB transit ticket, and the library ID, all in a single card.
Tutorials and further information about the Self-Services. You can download your certificate of enrolment, enter a change of address and phone number or manage your re-registration online at: EINS UND EINS WEBMAILER REGISTRATION
You can also access Self-Services of the Student Records and Registration Office using your FU account. Important Information That Will Help You Organise Your Studies Enrolment Number and Certificate of Enrolment
The e-mail settings in the ZEDAT portal allow you to configure an e-mail address which is derived from your name or to set up the aforementioned forward to your e-mail address at another provider. We have several helpful information sheets for all three possibilites which you can find under the link
via another provider (gmail, web.de etc.). It is essential that you take note of university information sent to you in this way.Į-mails containing university information can be received in several ways: In future, all further university information will be sent to you via e-mail to the e-mail address belonging to your FU account, as this is cheapest and quickest way to keep you fully informed. Through this portal you will be able to configure options for your account and will also find links to additional university services. Please proceed to the ZEDAT portal as soon as your FU account has been set up: Please follow the instructions given in this letter. EINS UND EINS WEBMAILER ACTIVATION CODE
Otherwise, we will send you a letter with an activation code which enables you to set up your FU account online.
If you have already registered for an FU application account, you will be informed by an e-mail to your specified e-mail address when your application account has been transformed into a full FU account. Your FU account is the prerequisite for many university services. Welcome Message from the Executive Board of Freie Universität Berlin for Welcome Message from the Executive Board of Freie Universität Berlin for ERASMUS incoming students.Welcome Message from the Executive Board of Freie Universität Berlin for doctoral students.Welcome Message from the Executive Board of Freie Universität Berlin.Welcome to ZEDAT, the computer service centre of Freie Universität Berlin. Further Hints Concerning Your FU-Account and ZEDAT Services.Enrolment Number and Certificate of Enrolment.
Important Information That Will Help You Organise Your Studies.