Animal weight was monitored and histologic, biochemical, immunocompetent cell functions, and features of the faecal microbiota were analysed after intervention. Not for Halo.Adult (6–8 week) male wild-type C57BL-6 mice were fed a standard diet or a high-fat-diet HFD to induce obesity, supplemented or not with B. Because "it was okay" is not good enough. At least, then no one will say "it was okay". Instead of this, I would rather have a totally shit game like Anthem or a shitty release like cyberpunk. Seriously, I hate that game is just "decent". Yeah, sure, but it was still a fucking premature ejaculation and a frustrating end to the night. And then we get people saying "hey, foreplay was good though".

343 always hype shit up a lot, gets everyone turned on, and then ejaculates while unbuckling their belt. Initial period of good will wiped clean within months, and only a few select people sticking around. I hate that we are back to same thing as halo 5. Custom games with forge would have been a killer feature for today's generation as well.

All the new stuff of battlepass, micro transactions etc could have worked just fine, if game exceeded what every other game was doing. Forge, co-op etc would have made it worthwhile for newer generation to stick around.

All that was needed was another year of delay. From the days of being a system seller and a franchise equal to gta, we are at "it's decent". I just hate it because it could have been so much more. It has identity, a clear look that is different from others. Some good ideas and at least it didn't look like a cheap copy of call of duty. Sound of scorpion's gun echoing in open world valleys was satisfying. And 343 decided to take away the option that people had with the geofiltering. Game desperately needed a region selector. A month later, it takes 5 minutes to find even those games.

In the early days, it was 200+ ping in every game. If you are in Asia, good luck finding any game at all. Sorry it delved into a monetization rant, but it pisses me off how they went with the worst way of making a profit when they had so many proven ways of doing it better Happy players are more willing to spend on a thing they like, than on a thing they dont to "keep up", and by sheer probability, if there were more players, there will be more players willing to spend These things would make it so people can have their customization pushed further but have to work for it, therefore play more, keep the players engaged, these players will see things they like and want to get or buy them, and 343 gets to keep making money Instead of a battle pass, why not just a standard money system, money which could also be bought through IRL currency to "skip" the performance-based requirements of said money system Instead of monetizing colors, why not have colors for free, and monetize textures, camos, patterns, levels of wear in the armor, etc. Instead of a preset of a few intro animations and monetized ending poses, why not have ending animations if they're not going to give us last kill replay
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Thats the key sentence, zero people wanted it to go this way of free to play microtransaction ridden battle pass parasitized game, and the other issue is, the mismanagement of monetization, they missed out on so many good opportunities of monetizing the game properly, instead they chose to make the game smaller and close off opportunities that had been present for years